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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Glenfire encountered Zero and co. when they were searching for the Shield of Baradhi. The pirates at first saw them as hostile until Zero fought Glenfire; gaining his and the pirates trust. Suddenly a Squadron of Legionoids lead by Darkgone attacked. Outnumbered and overpowered, Glenfire gave the crew information about the Shield of Baradhi before using the mass of nitromethane with his pyrokinetic abilities to create an explosion presumably killing him.However, Glenfire turned up with a fleet of pirates to help Zero and co. in their fight with Belial. With his hope along with the others, the Ultimate Aegis was formed and Belial was defeated. When Zero was about to leave, Glenfire, Mirror Knight, and Jean-bot came up to him convincing Zero to stay and fight the remaining Legionoids as the Ultimate Force Zero. I recently created the wallpaper and hope you like it. Please set up your display resolution with the same size as wallpaper dekstop before you fill up Glenfire wallpaper.

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